Kristina Kostap
Saada vihje

Tulus tööots, millega saad eluruumi kauba peale

Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.
Onn. Foto: Pexels / CC0 Licence

Ameerika põllumajandusministeerium otsib enda ridadesse kaheks järgmiseks aastaks metsavahti, vahendab goodhousekeeping.com. Kas sa arvad ära, mis võiksid sobiva kandidaadi tööülesanneteks olla?

Unistad rahulikust elust metsade keskel? Ameerika põllumajandusministeerium otsib metsavahti, kes asuks elama pea 600 000-aakrisel maa-alal San Juani metsas.

Milles konks seisneb?

Potentsiaalse kandidaadi tööülesannete seas ei ole iseenesest mitte midagi peadmurdvat. Sobiva inimese kohustuseks on lihtsalt elada ühes ajaloolises metsaonnis ja tagada selle puhtus ja korrashoid. Lisatasude hulka võib arvestada kaunid maastikuvaated, värske õhu ning lõputuna näiva privaatsuse.


Grateful for the continued protection of our national forests. Nights like this wouldn't feel the same without it

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Ended up not taking a rest day because mountains. #themountainsarecalling #norestfortheweary #worthit

A post shared by Hope Wanders (@hope_wanders) on


Happy #traveltuesday from Ice Lakes Trail in the San Juan National Forest. -- -- The trail begins at the South Mineral Campground outside of Silverton, Colorado in the southwestern reaches of the state. It is 7 miles round trip (8.4 to Island Lake) with about 2,500 feet in elevation gain. This tributary, which flows into South Fork Mineral Creek, which flows into Mineral Creek, which flows into the Animas River, is merely a teaser for what's to come. -- -- I couldn't resist sharing this picture. Pilot's knob in the background, grass slowly losing its green in the foreground, it's impossible not to focus on the clarity of the water. I'm not sure I've ever seen anything so fantastically blue. -- We camped about halfway up the hike at Lower Ice Lake Basin, so when we reached the lake(s) the next morning we were alone. In my opinion, landscape photography is especially beautiful free of people. Any guesses on next week's picture!? -- -- This photo was taken on a Nikon D5200 in JPEG format. I was lucky with the landscape and the lighting, no editing was required. -- -- Thanks to my trusty friends who waded and waited with me and for me throughout this hike [and trip]. #coloradolandscapes #coloradohiking #sanjuannationalforest #icelakestrail #hikeco #coloradophotography #nikond5200 #nikonphotography #nikonartists #nationalforest #southwesterncolorado #tributary #river #icelake #riverphotography #coloradooutdoors #mcstraveltuesday #coloradotography

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