Kristina Kostap
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Naise meisterdatud šikk küünlahoidja hämmastab internetti

Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.
Pilt on illustreeriv.
Pilt on illustreeriv. Foto: Pexels / CC0 Licence

Taaskasutusest lugu pidav Mary Donetskova on oma hapukurgipurkidega sotsiaalmeedia kihama pannud.

Klaaspurkide taaskasutamine on ammu juba popp teema. Ometigi on selle naise meisterdatud imekaunis küünlahoidja ja šikk lillevaas kaugel tavapärasest.

Hapukurgisõbrast Mary Donetskova otsustas nimelt üleliigsetele purkidele oma majapidamises praktilist kasutust leida. Nobedate näppudega naine meisterdas imekauni küünlahoidja, millest sotsiaalmeedia kohemaid lummatud oli, vahendab housebeautiful.com.


Reduce,reuse, recycle! Here’s a DIY idea that you will see from time to time on my IG posts. I saved up so many of these and have use them for decor all around my house.There’s so many ways you can transform them. My husband buys the BIG jars from @samsclub because I go through them like crazy. I use fake flickering candles (they are safer and my son also loves to touch real candles). You can get the rope to glue at the rim from @dollartree! . Tip: its super easy to remove the label from the SamsClub Pickle Jars. I peel it myself and any extra sticky residue left on the jar can easily be removed with VERY hot running water or you can let it soak in hot water with dish soap. You can easily take it off with your fingers after but a soft dish sponge can also help scrub it off. This always worked for me with glass jars. Some people suggested Goo Gone. I have never tried it but will look into it. . . #diy #diyhomedecor #picklejars #glass #glassvase #farmhouse #farmhousestyle #farmhousedecor #diyfarmhouse #farmhousediy #diyfarmhousedecor #diydecor#diylantern #jarlantern#lantern #targetdollarspot #bullseyesplayground #bullseyeplayground #targetfinds #samsclub #homedecor#homedecorinspo #decorating #ilovepickles#dollartree#dollartreefinds#decorationideas #decorationonabudget#decoratingonabudget#reuse

A post shared by Mary Donetskova (@marys_hobby_life) on

Küünlahoidjalt on tõepoolest raske pilku saada. Niisamuti on raske uskuda valminud meistritööle kulunud aega ja raha. Mary kõige aeganõudvamaks tööülesandeks kujunes purgilt sildi eemaldamine. Seejärel tuli vaid tekstiilist nöörijupike ümber purgi kaela liimida ning küünlahoidja oligi valmis. Et valminud küünlahoidja šikim paistaks, asetas ta selle puidust kuumaalusele, mille omakorda ehtis roheliste oksakestega.

Taaskasutuse usku Mary kostitas oma jälgijaid seejärel veel ühe lihtsa, ent siiski pilkupüüdva meistriteosega. Sotsiaalmeedia vaimustusel ei paistnud seegi kord otsa ega äärt. 


Reduce,reuse, recycle! Here’s a DIY idea that you will see from time to time on my IG posts. I saved up so many of these and have use them for decor all around my house.There’s so many ways you can transform them. My husband buys the BIG jars from @samsclub because I go through them like crazy. Tip: its super easy to remove the label from the SamsClub Pickle Jars. I peel it myself and any extra sticky residue left on the jar can easily be removed with VERY hot running water or you can let it soak in hot water with dish soap. You can easily take it off with your fingers after but a soft dish sponge can also help scrub it off. This always worked for me with glass jars. Some people suggested Goo Gone. I have never tried it but will look into it. . . . #diy #diyhomedecor #picklejars #vases #glass #glassvase #farmhousestyle #farmhousedecor #farmhousedecorating #farmhousestyle #diyfarmhousedecor #diyfarmhouse #diyhomedecor #transformation #targetdollarspot #bullseyesplayground #bullseyeplayground #targetfinds #samsclub #targetstyle #homedecor#homedecorinspo#decorating #ilovepickles#reuse

A post shared by Mary Donetskova (@marys_hobby_life) on

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