Kristina Kostap
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Ootamatu värvitoon pürgib neutraalsete toonide ridadesse

Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.
Pilt on illustreeriv.
Pilt on illustreeriv. Foto: Shutterstock

Neutraalsete värvitoonide read on nüüd ühe tooni võrra rikkamad.

Neutraalsete värvitoonideta ei kujutaks me interjööre ilmselt ettegi. Need mitte ainult ei rõhuta ümbritsevat sisustust ja mööblitükke, vaid seovad kogu eluruumi ühtseks tervikuks. Rõõmsavärvilised toonid on küll silmale ilus vaadata, ent need tõmbavad reeglina muudelt detailidelt kogu tähelepanu endale.

2019. aastal tervitab sisekujundusmaailm neutraalsete värvitoonide ridades seni veel üsna tundmatut värvitooni - rohelist, täpsemalt salvei- ning magnooliarohelist, vahendab mydomaine.co.uk.


Character. That's the word I use to describe so many things in our home. It's not worn or old or damaged. It just has character ?‍♀️ These stairs have character. When I ripped up the carpet, and staples, and SO many nails, I was daunted by the condition of our stairs. New treads and skirting were NOT in the budget, so with about $100 worth of patching materials and paint, I was able to breathe new life and *character* into these stairs. All details and sources are #ontheblog - just search for “stairs” . . . . . . . . . . . . #byebyecarpet #magnoliagreen #bhgididit #paintedstairs #magnolia #fixerupper #fixerupperstyle #farmhouselove #farmhousefresh #farmhousedecor #farmhouse #farmhousestyle #homedecor #decorinspiration #decorinspo #makingahouseahome #designonadime #diyanddecorate #myneutralspace #lovethehomeyouhave #imaremodelaholic #neutraldecor #myhousebeautiful #cottagestyle #diyaddict #stairs #greendecor #renovation #stairway

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Neutraalne roheline on beežikate ja hallide kõrval oluliselt silmapaistvam ning särtsakam. Sisekujundajail on terve rodu häid põhjuseid, miks neutraalset rohelist oma eluruumides katsetada. Olemuselt malbe roheline maandab asjatundjate sõnul nii pingeid kui stressi. Lisaks sütitab neutraalne roheline inimese loovust ja vaimu.


This year I really wanted to slow down & be very intentional about the season. I decided to use simple decorations that we could enjoy well into winter. A simple green & white color scheme, and gathered bits from the garden and forest, are exactly what we needed to bring some life into our home during these cold months. Whenever I use living things to decorate with, it truly feels like a cozy winter nest for our family. Along with the greens, I added white candles, vintage brass candlesticks, and my white ironstone collection. Here’s a little corner of our dining room. The ironstone has all been gathered from thrift shops, except for the second pitcher to the right, which was my husband’s grandmother’s piece. I am so happy that it has found its way to our home. The dresser is a vintage East Lake style piece that we found for $14.99, and painted Magnolia Green! I’ll be sharing more pictures of our decor this week! I hope you’ve been able to slow down and “take peace” this season ❄️ . . . #ironstonecrushin #myvintagehome #showusthevintage #vintageporchlovesvintage #farmhousestyle #vintagefarmhouse #cottagefarmhouse #farmhousestyledecor #mycountryhome #farmhousestyling #country_stilllife #blameitonmyvintageheart #farmhousdecor #freshfarmhousedecor #rusticfarmcharm #prettylittlefarmhouse #vintagestyle #vintagehome #vintagedecor #countrylivingmag #antique_r_us #christmasfarmhouse #farmhousechristmas #magnoliahome #magnoliapaint #magnoliagreen #ironstonepitcher #mysimplechristmas

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